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Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


SPEAKER: Petitions have been delivered to the Clerk for presentation.


  • Petition of Steven Price requesting that the House impose mandatory cumulative sentencing for the killing of more than one person.
  • petition of Bex Howells requesting that the House urge the Government to pay a stipend to people while they train in healthcare, education, and social work professions.

SPEAKER: Those petitions stand referred to the Petitions Committee. Ministers have delivered papers.


  • Archive New Zealand Report on the State of Government Recordkeeping 2022-23
  • Reserve Bank of New Zealand Monetary Policy Statement May 2024

SPEAKER: I’ve received the report of the Controller and Auditor-General, entitled, Strengthening government procurement: Lessons from our recent work. Those papers are published under the authority of the House. Select committee reports have been delivered for presentation.


  • Reports of the Economic Development, Science and Innovation on
    • the committee’s scrutiny plan for the 54th Parliament
    • the Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill, and
    • the report of the Controller and Auditor-General, Inquiry into Callaghan Innovation’s procurement process
  • report of the Education and Workforce Committee on the Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill
  • report of the Environment Committee on its scrutiny plan for the 54th Parliament
  • reports of the Governance and Administration Committee on
    • the briefing on the work of the Office of the Auditor-General
    • its scrutiny plan for the 54th Parliament
    • the report of the Controller and Auditor-General, Auckland Council: Preparedness for responding to an emergency, and
    • the report of the Controller and Auditor-General, Insights into local government: 2021
  • report of the Health Committee on its scrutiny plan for the 54th Parliament
  • reports of the Justice Committee on
    • the Corrections Amendment Bill, and
    • the committee’s scrutiny plan for the 54th Parliament
  • report of the Māori Affairs Committee on its scrutiny plan for the 54th Parliament
  • reports of the Primary Production Committee on
    • its scrutiny plan for the 54th Parliament, and
    • its review briefing on the 2022-23 annual review of Outdoor Access Commission
  • report of the Transport and Infrastructure Committee on its scrutiny plan for the 54th Parliament.

SPEAKER: The bills are set down for second reading. The scrutiny plans, the briefings, and the report of the Controller and Auditor-General are set down for consideration. No bills have been introduced.