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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

State Highway 1 has reopened earlier than expected today between Taupō and Tūrangi and remains fully open tomorrow, Waitangi Day, under a reduced speed limit due to the unsealed surface.

Work resumes on Wednesday 7 February with temporary traffic management in place from 7am to 7pm, which will include stop/go, shoulder closures and reduced speed limits. It is expected that the work will continue under stop/go for the remainder of the week and no full closures will be required, however that will be determined by testing on Wednesday.

Moderate delays are still expected, we ask that you plan your journey and follow the instructions of our traffic management team.

The state highway network is key to travelling throughout the country, and this work is necessary to ensure the road is safe for everyone that travels on it. 

We encourage you to visit the Journey Planner website ( link)) so you can plan ahead and ensure you arrive at your destination on time.  

We understand this work may cause inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we endeavor to make your journey safer.