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Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

Police put the brakes on a group of offenders after a series of incidents in Pokeno overnight.

Four youth offenders will now be held to account after being arrested near Huntly.

Counties Manukau South Area Commander, Inspector Joe Hunter says the offending began just before 1am, when a vehicle was stolen from Calder Crescent. 

The owner of this vehicle became aware of the theft and contacted Police immediately enabling us to deploy our people to the area.

“The group of male offenders left in this vehicle, travelling with a ute, which was also stolen. 

“A short time later both of the offenders arrived at a nearby liquor shop where the offenders have smashed a window to enter the store.”

Inspector Hunter says a range of merchandise from within the Market Street West store was taken.

They left the scene in the vehicle stolen from Calder Cresent and loaded into the ute which they had parked nearby.

“On arrival, our staff sighted the ute and signalled it to stop but it failed to do so.

“Eagle had also arrived in the area and began to provide observations of the offenders’ movements.

“A short time later offenders were seen abandoning the ute and getting into the other stolen vehicle.”

The vehicle continued south, all the while being monitored by Eagle overhead.

“Spikes were successfully deployed near Huntly, and pleasingly all four were then taken into custody without further incident.”

All those apprehended were aged between 16 and 17. 

One of the offenders has been held in Police custody overnight and will be appearing in the Manukau Youth Court and the others have been referred to Youth Services, Inspector Hunter says.

“Police are continuing to work hard to respond to offending against businesses in our community, holding offenders to account.

“In this case a key element to our response was the quick contact from our community to advise us of the initial car theft.  Our focus today will be on supporting the victims here where possible.”


Jarred Williamson/NZ Police