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Source: SAFE For Animals

Animal rights organisation SAFE has slammed a judge’s decision at the Porirua District Court to discharge without conviction two men who shot a much-loved bull multiple times with a bow.
The attack took place in North Wellington in August 2021. Arrows were found embedded in his stomach and neck and there was a deep wound on his right shoulder.
SAFE Campaigns Manager Anna de Roo says the offence was cruel and should have carried a conviction.
“This offence was a deliberate, depraved attack on an animal,” said de Roo.
“Aotearoa talks a big game about its animal welfare standards. But this case just shows how little regard the justice system has for animals and their wellbeing.”
The Ministry for Primary Industries, which is the lead enforcement agency for animal welfare on farms, receives thousands of animal welfare complaints every year, yet less than 1% of those complaints lead to prosecution.
“This is not the only case where cruelty to animals has gone unpunished. Even when perpetrators are prosecuted, the penalties are often disturbingly light.”
“New Zealand has Commissioners to represent the most vulnerable populations in society, including children and the environment. Animals, however, are not represented by an independent voice.”
“Cases like this show why a Commissioner for Animals is urgently needed.”