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Source: Productivity Commission

The New Zealand Productivity Commission Te Kōmihana Whai Hua o Aotearoa (the Commission) will release its Productivity by the numbers report on Monday 3 July 2023.
Lifting productivity is a complex challenge, and an opinion-editorial published today by the Commission notes that the solution is through ongoing and sustained investments over the long-term, instead of looking for quick and easy fixes.
Productivity Commission Chair, Dr Ganesh Nana says, “whether it be lifting productivity, mitigating/adapting to climate change, or breaking the cycle of persistent and inter-generational disadvantage to ensure opportunities for all, there is no solution that does not involve a sustained investment of time, effort, and dollars, to nurture, maintain, and improve the wide range of resources we possess.
“There are no cheap and quick fixes to New Zealand’s modest productivity record. A long-term view of productivity, aligned with substantial and sustained investment effort in the range of resources we hold under our watch, is required to improve New Zealand’s modest productivity record.
“Meaningful and long-term investment is vital, and this will be critical in helping to lift the wellbeing of all in Aotearoa – now and for future generations to come,” says Dr Nana.
The Commission is hosting a launch event on 3 July, 10am to 11am at the Wharewaka in Wellington where the 2023 Productivity for the numbers report will be released. 
Productivity by the numbers is the flagship publication of the Commission, providing an analysis of trends in New Zealand’s productivity, looking at both the latest statistics and longer-run productivity performance.
As well as an assessment of the performance of the New Zealand economy, it also provides a simple framework provide a better understand of productivity. The report is a key resource for individuals and organisations to participate in the conversation about what we need to do to lift New Zealand’s productivity.
The 2023 issue of Productivity by the numbers will be published at 10am, 3 July 2023, and will be available on the Commission’s website. The report will be supported with a visualisation tool and data file (as an excel spreadsheet) from which all the graphs and quantitative material from the report are based on. This will provide an opportunity for other organisations to use the material from the main report to support their own research and publications.