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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

An updated design has been released for planned safety improvements on State Highway 1 between Levin and Foxton.

Works are expected to get underway later this year to improve the safety of SH1 from Levin to Foxton while planning takes place for the new highway from Ōtaki to north of Levin.

Between 2018 and 2022, there were 122 crashes on this stretch of road which resulted in five people dying and 20 people being seriously injured.

Waka Kotahi Regional Manager of Infrastructure Delivery, Rob Partridge, says the plan and design includes the installation of a roundabout at the intersection with Waitārere Beach Road, stretches of painted wide centreline, median and roadside barrier as well as new facilities for turning around.

 “The changes we’re planning will significantly improve safety on this route for all road users and provide a vital connection to the new highway from Ōtaki to north of Levin, which, at this stage, is expected to be completed in 2029.

“An important part of the detailed design process was considering feedback from local iwi and hapū, local government, landowners, emergency services, and local communities on the proposed designs. 

“The feedback we have received from that consultation has been incredibly valuable. It has helped us to refine the design and ensure it is fit for purpose. 

“I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to share their views and engage with us,” says Mr Partridge. 

The safety improvements will be constructed in stages and construction north of Manawatū River Bridge is expected to begin later this year. 

A public drop-in session will be hosted at Poroutawhao Hall later next month ( Sunday 23 July between 1pm – 3pm). This will be an opportunity for members of the community to come along and speak to the project team about the planned improvements. 

Please visit our project page for more information about the safety improvements and the drop-in session.

Below: The project design