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Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard



Question No. 1—Housing

1. TERISA NGOBI (Labour—Ōtaki) to the Minister of Housing: What progress has the Government made rebuilding New Zealand’s public housing stock?

Hon Dr MEGAN WOODS (Minister of Housing): I’m pleased to report that this Government has now delivered over 12,000 public housing places since October 2017. As of May 2023, this also includes over 10,000 public housing, new builds. Our pace of delivery means this Government is delivering the most public homes since the second Labour Government under Walter Nash in the 1950s.

Terisa Ngobi: How has delivery improved in the regions?

Hon Dr MEGAN WOODS: We’ve made good progress in terms of regional delivery. In Gisborne, for example, there was a decrease of 33 Housing New Zealand homes between 2008 and 2017. Since we came into office in 2017, Gisborne has seen an increase of 71 public homes to May 2023. On the Kāpiti Coast there was a decrease of 14 Housing New Zealand homes between 2008 and 2017. Since we came into office in 2017, we’ve seen an increase of 24 public homes to May 2023. We are committed to public housing delivery across New Zealand, especially in our regions. Regional delivery will be a particular focus in the updated public housing plan, which I hope to announce in the coming months.

Terisa Ngobi: How have the recent severe weather events impacted delivery?

Hon Dr MEGAN WOODS: Prior to the severe weather events, Kāinga Ora was on track in January to meet the Government’s ambitious public housing plans of delivering 3,400 gross homes by June 2023. However, as mentioned previously in the House, several projects have been impacted by these weather events, along with construction projects across those regions, which have caused delays. By the end of June, we will have delivered a gross of 2,600 public homes, with the additional 800 homes experiencing an eight-week construction delay. Kāinga Ora has been focusing hard on delivering in spite of the weather events and remains on track to meet this new date.

Terisa Ngobi: What further work is the Government doing to support public housing?

Hon Dr MEGAN WOODS: Additional investment announced as part of Budget 2023 will fund 3,000 additional public housing places to be delivered by June 2025. This builds on the significant and ongoing investment in public housing. There are currently over 4,500 public homes under construction today. There will be a particular and continued focus on delivery in regions, new build supply, and partnerships with community housing providers, Māori, and iwi.