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Source: Ecobulb

Ecobulb is delighted its Power$aver initiative has been recognised as one of three finalists in the New Zealand Energy Excellence Awards, announced today. Power$aver has helped reduce energy hardship in 7161 homes throughout New Zealand.

Ecobulb founder Chris Mardon says the company intends to build on the success of its initiative to reach more families and homes in need over the next few years, and at the same time, help manage electricity demand in times of potential shortfalls in supply.
Chris Mardon says Ecobulb’s goal is to “save enough electricity to power New Zealand for one year”.
“With approximately 25 Million Ecobulbs installed in 3.4 million New Zealand, Australian and United States homes, we are 64 per cent of the way there. Our Ecobulbs are saving an estimated $6.0 billion electricity and 19 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions over their lifetimes.”
He says that over the past few years, Ecobulb has delivered about 20 pilot regional-sized projects for LEDs and energy hardship reducing energy assessments in New Zealand. These were funded by about $4 million worth of funding from EECA, MBIE, various Energy Trusts, Lines Companies and local Councils.
“In last month’s Budget, the Government announced $402 million new funding for an expanded Warmer Kiwi Homes Programme and 5 million LEDs – we see a big role for Ecobulb in delivering the benefits of that.”
This is the 13th year the awards have been run, and judging panel chair Lizzie Chambers says  2023 saw a record number of entries submitted over 10 categories, giving judges a trickier task than in previous years to narrow down the entries and select finalists.

She notes that the calibre of the entries continues to impress.

“The judges have had to look hard at the details of each entry and consider the evidence and endorsements where applicable to determine the finalists. We’ve found it difficult because the quality is so high.”

The awards gala function will be held on Wednesday 30 August at Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre.