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Source: Auckland Council

Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown has declared a State of Local Emergency for Auckland and delegated his responsibilities and powers to Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson.

“This morning, at my request, the Deputy Mayor and I received an urgent phone briefing from Auckland Emergency Management Civil Defence.

“After carefully considering the advice of the Duty Controller I have decided to declare a precautionary State of Local Emergency. The decision is based on the lessons we learned from the Anniversary Auckland floods.

“While I am assured that emergency services are coping with the volume of call outs at the moment, and that they do not require emergency powers, I consider it is necessary to communicate to the public that this is something to take seriously.

“As I am in Sydney on council business, I have delegated my responsibilities and powers to Desley Simpson, who is now Acting Mayor until I return,” Mayor Brown said.

At approximately 12pm, with approval of the Mayor, Auckland Emergency Management issued a region-wide emergency mobile alert.

“I am urging Aucklanders to remain calm but be vigilant. Please stay away from floodwaters and open drains. It is important that you follow the official advice of Auckland Emergency Management and Auckland Transport,” Mayor Brown said.