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Source: Auckland Council

Henderson residents are being asked for their feedback on the upgrade to Catherine Plaza.

The aim is to refresh Catherine Plaza into a safe and inviting area and to encourage the community and visitors to spend more time there.

Catherine Plaza sits in the heart of Henderson. Once known as Catherine Street, it became a public space that connects Great North Road with WestCity Waitakere. The plaza is well located, with lots of sunshine and healthy native trees and plants and has the potential to play a greater role in creating a welcoming, more active space within Henderson town centre for locals and visitors.

“Unfortunately, over the years there has been some antisocial behaviour and safety problems in the plaza, which we’re hoping to help address through investment and working with local businesses,” says Henderson-Massey Local Board Chairperson Chris Carter.

“I’m confident that this will be a welcoming space where locals enjoy spending their time and where local businesses can thrive.”

The upgrade to Catherine Plaza by Eke Panuku, will result in a welcoming, unique, and safe meeting point that can be enjoyed all year-round. With more flexibility for events and outdoor dining opportunities, the plaza can draw people in, sparking private investment and attracting creative and exciting uses for people of all ages.

Only a five-minute walk from the Henderson train station, the plaza is well-positioned to serve as a drawcard for people hopping off the train and heading into the town centre. With the ongoing City Rail Link upgrades, there will soon be significantly more people within an easy train trip. Investment in the town centre’s future will have benefits flow into Henderson. As the population of the area grows, Eke Panuku’s projects ensure Henderson continues to be a thriving town centre.

As this is the early stages of the project, now is the perfect time for community feedback to help shape the design, ensuring local aspirations are reflected in the plan.

Have your say about what you’d like to see in the plaza, what would make you feel safe and welcome and what type of activities you would like to attend there – all year round!

For more information and to give feedback before 7 April 2023, please visit

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