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Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Hon GRANT ROBERTSON (Leader of the House): Today the House will adjourn until Tuesday 28th March. On that day a further emergency cyclone response bill will have its first reading. Other legislation to be considered will include the third readings of the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2022-23, Platform Economy, and Remedial Matters) Bill (No 2), and the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Amendment Bill. I have given notice to the Business Committee that on Tuesday evening in that week the Government intends to move urgency to make up some of the time lost when the first sitting week of the year was adjourned due to Cyclone Gabrielle. Various bills will progress through further stages including the Civil Aviation Bill, the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill, and, Minister Shaw, the Organic Products and Production Bill.

Hon MICHAEL WOODHOUSE (National): I thank the Leader of the House for that update, as I’m sure Mr Shaw will as well. Can he advise whether or not the further cyclone recovery bill will be an omnibus bill?

Hon GRANT ROBERTSON (Leader of the House): As the member is aware, the bill is going through its final drafting stages. It will be provided to Opposition parties next week, so during the recess, so well in advance, and any discussions about that matter could take place then.

Hon JAMES SHAW (Co-Leader—Green): I’d like to thank the Leader of the House for his update. Thank you.