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Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


SPEAKER: No petitions have been delivered to the Clerk for presentation. Ministers have delivered papers.


  • 2021-22 annual reports for the Auckland District Health Board, Bay of Plenty District Health Board, Canterbury District Health Board, Counties Manukau District Health Board, Lakes District Health Board, Nelson Marlborough District Health Board, Northland District Health Board, Southern District Health Board, and Wairarapa District Health Board, and the Human Rights Commission
  • Long-term Insights Briefing of the Education Review Office, Education for All Our Children: Embracing Diverse Ethnicities.

SPEAKER: Those papers are published under the authority of the House. Select committee reports have been delivered for presentation.


  • Reports of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee on the:
    • International Treaty Examination of the Side Letter to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to exclude Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) between New Zealand and Chile
    • report of the Ombudsman, report on OIA compliance and practice in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    • report of the Ombudsman, report on OIA compliance and practice in the New Zealand Customs Service
    • report of the Ombudsman, report on OIA compliance and practice in the New Zealand Defence Force.
  • report of the Health Committee on the petition of Matty Angel
  • report of the Justice Committee on the Counter-Terrorism Acts (Designations and Control Orders) Amendment Bill
  • reports of the Petitions Committee on the petitions of Ana Briggs, Anna Hodgkinson, and Michiel Badenhorst
  • report of the Primary Production Committee on the petition of Shengjun Jin.

SPEAKER: The bill is set down for second reading, the reports of the Ombudsman and the report of the international treaty are set down for consideration. The Clerk has been informed of the introduction of a bill.

CLERK: Severe Weather Emergency Legislation Bill, introduction.

SPEAKER: That bill is set down for first reading.