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Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest iwi on board for the 2023 Census – Media release

22 December 2022

Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi, representing the largest iwi in Aotearoa New Zealand, has signed an agreement with Stats NZ to boost its peoples’ participation in the 2023 Census and support the Community Counts initiative, aimed at increasing response rates for next year’s census, Stats NZ said today.

Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-Ō-Ngāpuhi Chief Executive, Sam Napia, said accurate population information is vital to ensure Ngāpuhi does not fall short of the correct level of government funding entitlements in areas such as education, health, and other public funding initiatives.

He said Ngāpuhi estimates its population as up to 160,000 members, but according to the last-census statistics, only 125,000 are recorded. Ngāpuhi would like this discrepancy resolved.

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