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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

People have until Monday 12 December to have their say on safer speeds proposed for Taranki as part of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Interim State Highway Speed Management Plan.

The plan proposes variable speed limits, which reduce the speed limit on the state highway during school drop off and pick up times, around more than 30 schools across the region. 

Westend Te Kura Ō Mōrere Associate Principal Peter Horne welcomes the proposal to introduce a variable speed limit on State Highway 45 (SH45) near his school in New Plymouth.

“We’ve been concerned about our tamariki using the pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Belt Road and SH45 for some time now and have been in discussions with Waka Kotahi and New Plymouth District Council about safety improvements for the area.

“Our staff attend the crossing, but vehicles travel through the area too quickly and it’s been frightening to witness some near misses. I think introducing a lower speed limit at school pick up and drop off times will go a long way to making the crossing safer for our students travelling to and from school.”

The plan also proposes permanent speed reductions to 11 sections of highway where changes to speed limits could make a big difference to safety, including the intersection of SH3 and Egmont Road north of New Plymouth and through towns along SH3 between New Plymouth and Hāwera. 

Waka Kotahi Director of Regional Relationships Linda Stewart says the Interim Speed Management Plan will make streets safer for everyone in Taranaki by enabling safe and appropriate speed limits to be set quickly around our schools and kura and in towns.   

“There are a number of infrastructure safety improvement projects planned and already underway in the region. The proposed changes to speed limits included will work together with the other improvements we’re making to provide the best safety outcomes for our communities.  

Waka Kotahi is seeking submissions for consideration alongside its analysis and conversations with partners, interested groups and organisations as factors to finalise the Interim State Highway Speed Management Plan. 

People can access information on the Interim State Highway Speed Management Plan and submit feedback by visiting the Waka Kotahi website:  

Consultation closes at 5pm, Monday, 12 December 2022.