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Source: New Zealand Nurses Organisation

More than 230 New Zealand Nurses Organisation Tōpūtanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki o Aotearoa (NZNO) members from three hospitals owned by Evolution Healthcare will resume strike action tomorrow following a breakdown of talks with the employer.
Wakefield Hospital nurse and NZNO delegate Lisa Blackmore said members at the Wakefield and Bowen hospitals in Wellington, and Royston Hospital in Hastings will strike again on Thursday after Evolution’s refusal to meet with NZNO despite repeated calls to return to the bargaining table.
The battle is over having the same wages and conditions as nurses who work for Te Whatu Ora.
“We are committed to achieving an increase that reflects what we are worth and mitigates the cost-of-living crisis all members face,” Lisa Blackmore said.
Demands include wages back paid at the rate of inflation (7.3 percent); wages for 2022 onwards at Te Whatu Ora Pay Equity rates; and premium, public holiday qualification and double time, and increases in the number of sick leave days.
“The employer has not met with us since 6 September at mediation despite a member signed resolution urging the employer to return to the bargaining table.
“Over the past few days, the employer has released information about parts of a new proposed offer to the media. As you are aware negotiations don’t take place within the media, but rather between the parties to a collective agreement, so this is a breach of good faith,” Lisa Blackmore said.
Last week members voted not to withdraw their strike notices for 1 and 14 December. This ballot came after Evolution said it would only release its new, board-approved proposed offer if NZNO withdrew its strike notices.
Lisa Blackmore said despite Evolution Healthcare’s repeated declaration that they have a new proposed offer for their members, they have not so far returned to the bargaining table.
NZNO’s Evolution Healthcare members also went on strike for 24-hours on 20 October.
Tomorrow’s strike rallies take place from 11am – 2pm at Wakefield Hospital and 3pm – 5.30pm at Bowen Hospital. Royston Hospital members will picket from 10am – 12pm.