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Source: BusinessNZ

BusinessNZ welcomes the Government’s announcement of another 3000 places for seasonal workers to help ease workforce pressure, and would like to see the same done for more sectors.
BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope says this afternoon’s announcement is a good start.
“Hopefully by recognising the urgent need for more workers in the horticultural sector, the Government is also open to considering the shortages New Zealand is currently facing across all sectors and at all levels of employment.
“The global war for talent has resulted in a very competitive international environment and New Zealand businesses are looking to source skills from the New Zealand labour market where that is possible.
“But international skills and labour will always and necessarily make up part of our labour market.
“With the most severe skill shortages many industries have seen in years, we need to ensure immigration is functioning efficiently and that New Zealand is able to attract the skills and talent we need right now.”