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Source: Privacy Commissioner

The Ministry of Justice has released its engagement paper, Possible changes to notification rules under the Privacy Act 2020. The paper identifies several potential changes to the Privacy Act to address a specific issue regarding the Act’s notification requirements.

Please see the Commissioner’s submission to the Ministry of Justice setting out his broad support for an amendment to IPP 3 to the consultation here.

The issue

Ordinarily, agencies need to tell an individual about a number of matters when they collect their personal information. These include the reason they are collecting the information and details about the agency like its address and name. However, if an agency does not collect it from the person concerned but from another source, the agency does not have to tell that individual anything upon collection. This a problem in terms of transparency which is important for individuals’ decision making.

Whether you are a public or private agency, or an individual, we encourage you to submit here. The consultation closes 5pm Friday 30 September 2022.