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Source: Independent Electoral Review Panel

Engagement is starting on the voting age, term of Parliament, political donations, MMP thresholds and more – The Independent Electoral Review Panel is kicking off engagement to hear from all New Zealanders on how to make our electoral system clearer, fairer and more accessible.

“We want to hear from a diverse range of people about their experiences and their ideas for how to strengthen the electoral system so that it works well for current and future generations,” said Deborah Hart, chair of the Independent Electoral Review Panel.

“Elections are an important part of our democracy, so it’s important that the panel hears from people with different views and perspectives. We encourage everyone to have their say.”

The panel was established by the Minister of Justice to lead a broad review of electoral law. The review will cover almost everything to do with how our elections work, including the length of the parliamentary term, the voting age, political donations, election campaigns and the thresholds for parties to enter Parliament under MMP.

“The way we vote is changing. This review is a chance to take a thorough look at our electoral system – to safeguard what’s working well and to see what could be improved. It’s also an opportunity to encourage debate about big questions like the voting age and the term of Parliament,” Ms Hart said.

“We also want to reflect on what is happening around us. Around the world, we are seeing threats to the integrity of elections. We should never take the health of our democracy for granted.”

This engagement is focused on listening to a broad range of perspectives on issues and opportunities. The Independent Electoral Review Panel will host public meetings and meet with targeted stakeholders. People can share their views at one of these meetings or make a submission on one or all areas of the review. Submissions close on 14 November 2022.

More information, including how to get involved, is available at

The Independent Electoral Review Panel will engage again next year on its recommendations for change.