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Source: BusinessNZ

BusinessNZ welcomes the Government’s decision to remove the Covid-19 protection framework (traffic light system) and to drop broad-based restrictions.
BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope says It’s encouraging to see Government putting trust in individual businesses again.
“No two sites are the same and each business can decide what works for their own environment when it comes to minimising the spread of Covid-19.
“Businesses are highly incentivised to keep employees, customers and visitors safe in order to continue operating.
“The traffic light system has been one tool in the toolbox for managing the spread of Covid-19. But like the alert system before it, traffic lights have become an outdated mode of operating in the current environment.
“As we’ve learned over the past three years, New Zealand’s Covid response has needed to flex as the pandemic evolved. Taking into account public health, the economy and people’s accepted level of risk has been a constant balancing act.
“Sometimes they got it right, other times we were left wanting by Government decisions.”