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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and its project partners Manukorihi, Ngāti Rahiri, Otaraua, Pukerangiora, Puketapu Hapū, Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa and New Plymouth District Council, invite people to learn more about safety improvements planned for State Highway 3 between Waitara and Bell Block at a series of drop-in sessions in September.

Waka Kotahi Regional Manager Infrastructure Delivery, Rob Partridge, says stormwater works along SH3 are nearly complete, and the project is on track to begin construction of the first of four roundabouts planned for the route this summer.

“The first roundabout will be built at the high-risk intersection of SH3 and Princess Street, Waitara.

“Once built, the new roundabout and underpass will reduce the risk of crashes resulting in deaths and serious injuries on this busy section of highway and provide much safer access for the Waitara community.

“We’re inviting the local community to come along, meet the team and find out more about how we’re making the road safer for everyone. The Princess Street roundabout and underpass will be a key focus at these sessions,” says Mr Partridge.

People will also have the opportunity discuss the restoration of Tangaroa Stream as part of the Waitara Stormwater Programme with the New Plymouth District Council at the Waitara and Puke Ariki events.

Members of the public are encouraged to drop in to any of the below community sessions:

  • Sunday 18 September, 10.00-2.00pm, Seaside Market, Ngāmotu Beach
  • Tuesday 20 September, 3.30-6.00pm, Waitara Library, 15a Queen Street, Waitara
  • Wednesday 21 September, 12.00-2.00pm, Puke Ariki Library, 1 Ariki Street, New Plymouth
  • Thursday 22 September, 3.00-6.00pm, Bell Block Hall, 27 Bell Block Court, Bell Block

“We really value the feedback and suggestions we’ve received from the local community on this project, and we’re looking forward to seeing as many people as possible at the drop-in sessions to find out more about what is happening next,” Mr Partridge says.

The safety improvements project includes roundabouts at four high-risk intersections, along with sections of median barrier, wide centrelines, and other safety improvements.

The project is delivering on New Zealand’s Road Safety Strategy, Road to Zero 2020 – 2030, which aims to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads by 40 percent.