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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: BusinessNZ

Remaining at red is a disappointing announcement for the many businesses unable to operate normally at the highest traffic light setting.
BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk Hope says more clarity is needed around acceptable rates of admission for the health sector, so businesses can better anticipate the threshold for a change in settings.
“The Government needs to outline specifically the conditions in which we can all expect see a shift to lower settings before the next review on 14 April.
“Businesses want to start planning for a return to normality, be resourced and ready to go when the time comes.”
Mr. Hope says with case numbers trending down, getting over peak Omicron should mean a step down from peak restrictions.
“Border restrictions, MIQ and vaccine mandates have all played a part in keeping our communities safe and lifting vaccination rates throughout the pandemic. Easing these measures signals that we are headed in the right direction in the fight against Omicron.
“Each day we operate under excess restrictions, the more New Zealand will struggle to recover.”