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Source: Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology

Toi Ohomai Head Moves on to the Ministry of Education

Olivia Dhanjee, Toi Ohomai Head of Youth and Community Engagement, will be moving on to a new role with the Ministry of Education as their Chief Advisor Education to Employment.  

While this is an exciting new challenge for Olivia, she will be missed as a much-loved and respected part of the Toi Ohomai whānau. 

Pauline Warbrick will attend and be the temporary liaison at the Careers and Transition Education Association NZ Inc. (CATE) meetings. Anne-Helen will continue to be the main contact (operational) for STP/Trades Academy, with Leonie Nicholls providing support/oversight from a leadership level.

Letter From Olivia Dhanjee

E rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou katoa. Ko te tumanako e piki ana te ora i waenga i a koutou ko tō whānau i tēnei wā nei.

As I sit here in my last week as Head of Youth and Community Engagement for Toi Ohomai, I’m reflecting on the incredible privilege I’ve had leading the rangatahi engagement and transition workstream for this organisation. 

While our aim is to support ākonga success in their chosen programme of study, we know that tertiary education is more than the knowledge and skills they learn, it is also about the relationships and connections they make with their peers, teaching staff and prospective employers. Applied, vocational learning is particularly important – now more than ever.

I want to thank all of our ākonga who have chosen to study with Toi Ohomai. 

To the wonderful school and kura staff that I’ve had the opportunity to work with over the last 13 years, I have so much admiration for the relentless mahi that you continually show up for every day, even more so in the current COVID-19 environment.  Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui.   

Coffee Direct Takes Third Place at Young Enterprise Scheme 2021 National Awards

Coffee Direct from Rotorua Boys’ High School placed an exceptional third with their Coffee delivery service. With no cafes in near reach to their school Coffee Direct decided to launch their own cafe on the school grounds. 

They provide barista training to students at the school and have implemented an app-based ordering system. To further support their school, the team have started the Raukura Rangatahi Fund, a startup fund that sees 10% of the profits from Coffee Direct going straight towards supporting new student ventures. They believe this will be a great incentive to uplift up-and-coming entrepreneurs within their school. The company was awarded a $1000 cash prize and $1000 for their school. 

For further information regarding the 2022 Kickstart event please contact [email protected] 

The Resilience of the Bay of Plenty Futures Academy 

Although it hasn’t been the easiest start for learners in the Trades Academy, we’re so pleased to have been able to welcome over 300 learners at the beginning of 2022.

We appreciate the partnership approach that has been taken, ensuring the continued health and safety of our Trades Academy learners. From virtual pōhiri, to online learning, the resilience of our ākonga and kaimahi has enabled the safe return to Toi Ohomai campuses across the rohe. 

We’ll see an additional 400 learners participate throughout the year and look forward to supporting their vocational journey.      

Please contact your Careers Advisor or [email protected] for further delivery details. 

Iwi Partnership Takes Off in the Eastern Bay of Plenty

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, Bay of Plenty Futures Academy and Toi Ohomai have recently partnered to enable vocationally focussed skills and training for marine and other educational priorities as required by Ngāti Awa. Huia Haeata, Executive Director Partnerships, Māori Success and Academic Excellence at Toi Ohomai, says “this is an exciting opportunity to partner with Ngāti Awa to realise their aspirations for their mokopuna and rangatahi”.