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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Porirua City Council

Spicer Landfill is running out of room faster than anticipated due to Porirua’s strong growth, so plans are afoot for it to expand.
The Council is embarking on a resource consent process to get approval to extend the landfill as current projections show the landfill is likely to run out of room by 2026/27. Community engagement sessions are planned for this month. 
Porirua Mayor Anita Baker says Spicer Landfill is one of the city’s most well-used facilities.
“With our continued strong economic performance and growth, we do face some challenges – one of which is the increased volume of waste going to landfill. We would like to see waste volumes reducing and all of us reusing, recycling and minimising what we throw away.
“As a Council we’re committed to reducing waste regionally from 600kg/person per year to 400kg/person by 2026. Even achieving that target, we’re left with significant waste that needs to be managed which is why we still need to develop and extend the landfill at this stage.”
David Down, Manager, Water and Waste, says extending the landfill has been planned for since 2009 through the Council’s Long-term and Asset Management plans and it’s now time to start looking at the detail and getting public feedback.
“We want to make sure we get this right so are inviting people to find out more about the issues and the proposed solution and share their thoughts with us to ensure that waste continues to be managed efficiently and effectively.
“This will help us fine-tune the plans to extend the landfill.”
Further public sessions will beheld later this year, and feedback will be sought during the resource consent process, likely in 2023.