Government acts to support more Māori into mahi


Source: New Zealand Government

Growing the Māori and wider economy, giving effect to Te Tiriti principles and supporting more Māori into employment, education and training as we secure the recovery from COVID-19 are all at the heart of the Government’s new Māori Employment Action Plan, Minister for Social Development and Employment Carmel Sepuloni announced today.

“Te Mahere Whai Mahi Māori – the Māori Employment Action Plan is another tool in our toolbox and supports our Government’s Employment Strategy,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

“Te Whai Mahi underlines our commitment to supporting kaupapa Māori and working kanohi ki te kanohi and in partnership with whānau, hapū, iwi and wider hapori to improve employment outcomes for Māori.

“We know that to tackle the big issues facing Māori, get real results, and put an end to the disparity between Māori and non-Māori, we must do more. This requires working with and supporting Māori as employees, employers, and drivers of the Māori and wider economy, and as Te Tiriti partners.

“Te Whai Mahi is for Māori from all backgrounds and walks of life. Whether you’re an aspiring wāhine Māori entrepreneur, a tāngata whaikaha with a desire to get into leadership roles or an older Māori wanting to upskill, this plan will support you to do just that,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson said supporting more Māori into quality employment, education and training is important now more than ever, as we secure our recovery from COVID-19.

“Te Whai Mahi will help build Māori economic resilience to ensure they recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19 and are well placed to weather future economic shocks.

“The Māori labour force is growing five times faster than non-Māori and we must improve employment outcomes for them. This means more Māori skilled employees and employers are equipped and ready for the future of work,” Willie Jackson said.

Te Whai Mahi supports our Government’s overall Employment Strategy, along with six other population-specific employment action plans, and builds on the suite of government employment programmes and initiatives, which are proving to be successful.

“Te Whai Mahi will help us continue on the journey as we support more Māori to build on their skills and move into rewarding, secure and well-paid mahi,” Carmel Sepuloni said.

Te Mahere Whai Mahi Māori – The Māori Employment Action Plan builds on the mahi of Te Ara Mahi Māori, an independent reference group appointed to advise Ministers on key areas for the Action Plan.


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