Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)
The Government announced learning recognition credits will be granted to students.
On Thursday 2 September, the Government announced NCEA Learning Recognition Credits will be granted to students at schools and Kura that were disrupted by Alert Levels 3 or 4 for a total of 20 or more school days.
For many teachers, it seemed unfair that schools that have missed less than 20 days because of Covid are not entitled to any recognition, and schools that have been disrupted by other issues are treated differently too.
As a result of these complaints, the Government has announced further changes to NCEA for this year’s students.
To recap, students at schools and Kura disrupted by Alert Levels 3 or 4 for a total of 20 or more school days are entitled to the following:
Learning Recognition Credits (LRCs)
- for every five credits a student earns, they get one extra LRC
- students at NCEA Level 1 are eligible for up to 10 additional credits
- students at NCEA Levels 2 or 3 are eligible for up to eight additional credits.
- for Certificate Endorsements, a threshold of 46 credits at Merit or Excellence level, instead of the usual 50
- for Course Endorsements, 12 credits at Achieved or Merit or Excellence level in a course rather than 14, but at least three credits must come from external assessment and three from internal assessment (where these requirements usually apply).
University Entrance
- to be awarded University Entrance, students need 12 rather than 14 credits in each of three University Entrance Approved Subjects
- students still need to attain NCEA Level 3 and meet literacy and numeracy requirements.
Additional changes as of 9 September – for students disrupted by 16 days of alert level restrictions this year:
Learning Recognition Credits (LRCs)
- for every five credits a student earns, they get one extra LRC
- students at NCEA Level 1 are eligible for up to eight additional credits
- students at NCEA Levels 2 or 3 are eligible for up to six additional credits.
- no change to normal requirements.
University Entrance
- no change to normal requirements.
Students disrupted this year by 16 days of alert level restrictions and who experienced an additional four or more days of school closures due to building issues or natural disasters:
Learning Recognition Credits (LRCs)
- for every five credits a student earns, they get one extra LRC
- students at NCEA Level 1 are eligible for up to 10 additional credits
- students at NCEA Levels 2 or 3 are eligible for up to eight additional credits.
- for Certificate Endorsements, a threshold of 46 credits at Merit or Excellence level, instead of the usual 50
- for Course Endorsements,12 credits at Achieved or Merit or Excellence level in a course rather than 14, but at least three credits must come from external assessment and three from internal assessment (where these requirements usually apply).
University Entrance
- to be awarded University Entrance, students need 12 rather than 14 credits in each of three University Entrance Approved Subjects
- students still need to attain NCEA Level 3 and meet literacy and numeracy requirements.