First Responders – Dannevirke house fires show why you need smoke alarms


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Check your smoke alarms is the call from Fire and Emergency after firefighters attended two house fires in Dannevirke in just three days.
Smoke alarms woke the occupants of a house at 1am on Saturday night where a chimney fire had spread through the ceiling.
Area Manager Ken Cooper says volunteer firefighters were able to respond quickly to the call out.
“This shows smoke alarms can save lives,” he says.
“The early warning from smoke alarms allows you vital minutes to get out and give you and your family the best chance of survival. 
“We know house fires can be deadly within three minutes so it’s important to get out as quickly as possible.”
“Don’t just assume your smoke alarms are working – make sure you check them once a month. It’s as simple as pressing the button and listening for a beep.”
A second house which caught fire in Dannevirke on Monday 12 July was found to have no smoke alarms but luckily the occupants weren’t home at the time.
“If you don’t have smoke alarms, install them,” Ken Cooper says.
“Make sure you have enough smoke alarms installed on the ceiling in your home. We recommend at least one in every bedroom, hallway and living area.”
“You can’t always predict a fire but you can be prepared in case it does happen.”
“Make sure you and your household have an escape plan so in an emergency you can get out to safety quickly.”


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