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Source: New Zealand Parliament

Congestion pricing involves implementing a charge (or charges) to manage demand on the road network. This can encourage users to change their travel behaviour – the time, route, or mode by which they travel. The committee’s inquiry supports the Ministry of Transport’s The Congestion Question report.

The committee is interested to hear people’s thoughts on the idea of introducing congestion pricing in Auckland.

It will be guided in its inquiry by the below terms of reference:

  • Using The Congestion Question reports as a base, developing a thorough understanding of how a congestion regime could be implemented, including the use of technology, which routes would be included, how charging could be structured and facilitated.
  • Through the submissions process, lead a constructive public dialogue to ensure all affected groups and individuals have an opportunity to have their say.
  • Ensuring that equity and mitigation issues are identified and how any scheme could be structured to ensure that any one group, particularly those on lower incomes, are not unreasonably impacted.
  • Focusing on how any revenue raised would be used and would integrate with other revenue streams derived from fuel taxes, road user charges, and other fiscal factors.
  • Identifying and evaluating comparative congestion charging models internationally, and identifying best practice.
  • Confirming the likely behavioural change and benefits from a congestion charge in Auckland outlined in the Congestion Question technical report, including evaluating the impact of behavioural change on existing alternative transport modes, especially public transport.
  • Through the submissions process, provide the opportunity for those outside Auckland to engage with the issue.
  • Understanding the impact of a congestion charge on emissions and air quality Understanding the options for legislative change to enable congestion pricing.

The link to the Congestion Question report is here and further supplementary information on the Congestion Question report can be found here.


Tell the Transport and Infrastructure Committee what you think

Make a submission on the inquiry by midnight on Thursday 20 May 2021.

For more details about the Inquiry:

Follow the committee’s Facebook page for updates


For media enquiries contact:

Transport and Infrastructure Committee staff