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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Upgrades to key intersections on State Highway 30/Te Ngae Road are proposed as part of a package of improvements to futureproof the road and support housing development in Eastern Rotorua.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has confirmed the Preferred Option for SH30/Te Ngae Road from Iles Road to Rotorua Airport. Improvements will include upgrades to intersections, a three-metre-wide shared path and on-road cycle lane, sections of four-laning, and safety improvements such as additional pedestrian crossings.

Waka Kotahi Director Regional Relationships David Speirs says the improvements will help support the development of more than 2,000 homes in Eastern Rotorua.

“The Eastern Corridor Stage Two project is crucial for the region and will improve safety for all road users, make intersections more efficient, support development, and provide better travel choices.”

Waka Kotahi presented its proposed improvements for the corridor to stakeholders and the community in September 2020 as part of the Stage Two Detailed Business Case.

“Overall, feedback showed strong support for more walking and cycling infrastructure and safety improvements, as well as a desire to see better integration with local roads and improved travel times,” says Mr Speirs. 

“We gained some valuable insights, which allowed us to modify some of the proposed options. As a result, the preferred option incorporates more of what the community told us they want to see.”

In July 2020, the Government confirmed $35 million through the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund to enable the first phase of improvements to be implemented, says Mr Speirs.

“The first phase will focus on addressing the immediate needs of the corridor and supporting planned housing development near Wharenui Road.”

This includes upgrades to intersections at Basley, Brent, Owhata and Wharenui roads, a shared path and on-road cycle lane from Iles Road to Coulter Road, four-laning between Iles and Basley roads and Brent and Owhata roads, as well as safety improvements.

“Other improvements, which the business case identified are not needed immediately, will be constructed in the second and third phases of work, as they are required. This includes the upgrade to the Rotorua Airport/Eastgate Business Park intersection,” says Mr Speirs.

The Detailed Business Case is now complete. Waka Kotahi is currently working through the detailed design of the project. It’s expected construction will start on minor aspects of the first phase later this year.

This project is in partnership with Rotorua Lakes Council and aligns with planned improvements to the surrounding local roads.

Eastern Corridor Stage Two and the Preferred Option

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