Green MP applauded for brave stance on accommodation supplement


Source: Taxpayers Union

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is applauding new Green List MP Ricardo Menéndez March for his brave criticism of the $16,000 taxpayer-funded accommodation allowance for MPs.Union spokesperson Louis Houlbrooke said ”Mr Menéndez March can blaze a trail for his colleagues by returning the $16,000 he apparently doesn’t need on top of his $164,000 salary.””This would show real kindness to taxpayers and place pressure on other MPs receiving the allowance to do the same, starting with the rest of the Green Party caucus.””Of course, for the sake of fairness, those MPs who don’t receive the supplement because they’re based in Wellington may choose to repay $16,000 of their salary in solidarity with Mr Menéndez March. They can deposit the funds directly to Treasury’s bank number, 03-0049-0000327-25.”“The Taxpayers’ Union is, of course, assuming Mr Menéndez March is making a principled stand and will follow through, and that this is not just a cheap publicity stunt. We expect media outlets will monitor his progress and hold him to account,” said Mr Houlbrooke.


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