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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions
Source: Impact PR

A new South Auckland roading project is set to reduce the number of heavy vehicles passing by a local school, create kilometres of public walking and cycling pathways and provide vehicles with an alternative to State Highway One.

The privately funded roading network at Drury South Crossing, the country’s largest industrial and residential development, will see the creation of a new 6km urbanised roading network and a reduction in the number of heavy vehicles passing Ramarama School and residents on Ramarama Road.

Drury is one of the country’s fastest-growing areas with a population expected to soar by over 60,000 in the next 30 years.

The project will also include the construction of 5km of walking and cycling paths, as well as a 4km shared path from Drury village to Drury South Crossing.

The Council proposed Mill Road project will provide an alternative to State Highway One and provide a new North-South connection from Manukau to Pukekohe via Drury South Crossing.

Stephen Hughes, CEO of Drury South Crossing, says to facilitate the Drury South Crossing development a number of existing roads need to be closed and new roads created.

He says from late September 2020 the Southern section of Ramarama Road will be permanently closed while the northern section of the road will remain open.

Traffic will use the newly constructed Maketu Road instead of Raramarama Road with the connection to Fitzgerald Road retained.

“The new roading layout with the development area has been the subject of comprehensive technical assessments through various Council planning processes.

“An improved transport environment is being created with lower speed zones on new urbanised roads replacing the higher speed limits on rural roads.

“One of the key outcomes of this development will be an upgraded road network which reduces the heavy traffic at Ramarama School – an education facility whose rolls are expected to surge as the local population increases in the coming years,” he says.

The 360-hectare, mixed-use Drury South Crossing development is expected to contribute $2.3bn to the economy and employ 6,000 Kiwis when completed in 2027.