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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency recently advised a new temporary signalised crossing would be operational this month on both north and southbound lanes of State Highway 2 Maunganui Road, near Bayfair.

The temporary crossing has been delayed due to specialist contractor staff not being able to travel between regions while Auckland was at COVID-19 Alert Level 3 and the rest of the country at Alert Level 2. This has resulted in delays completing the final preparatory works for the crossing.

Waka Kotahi Portfolio Delivery Manager Darryl Coalter says the new temporary crossing is now anticipated to open in early September.

At the same time the new crossing is introduced, the existing underpass will also close to allow for demolition to begin, clearing the way for construction of the new underpass.

“Now that Auckland is at Alert Level 2, the impact on staff movement between regions will be reduced, allowing for progress on the project to continue.”

The first phase of the temporary crossing was implemented in February. Since then, the revised underpass has been included, which has meant the crossing needs to move further north by approximately 50 metres to allow for a suitable construction zone to build the new underpass.

The new crossing will be operational across the full width of SH2 Maunganui Road and will allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross all lanes safely in a single movement. The crossing will be located between entrances three and four to the Bayfair Shopping Centre on the southbound side of SH2 Maunganui Road and along from Golf 360 on the northbound (Matapihi) side.

Works to install the crossing are weather dependent and the opening of the crossing may need to be delayed in the event of unsuitable weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

For more information about the temporary signalised crossing, please refer to the media release issued earlier this month:

Significant changes on SH2 near Bayfair, Tauranga

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