Privacy Act 1993 to Privacy Act 2020: Tracking the changes


Source: New Zealand Privacy Commissioner – Blog

We’ll be saying it for the rest of this year because we want everyone to be aware and ready for it when it happens: The new Privacy Act 2020 is coming into effect on 1 December 2020.

As an additional resource to help organisations and businesses understand the changes, we’ve created a detailed table comparing the Privacy Act 2020 with the Privacy Act 1993.

The table is a section-by-section breakdown of both Acts, showing the changes at a granular level. While it may be too much information for a small business owner or the committee of a sports club, it may be helpful to those of you who give legal advice to organisations, and seek to know the changes in more detail.

We’ve created the table because navigating from the old Privacy Act to the new will take some adjustment for organisations, and for our office. You can find the table of comparisons here.

We also have a range of other resources to help you understand these changes before they come into effect, including an e-learning module, a podcast series, videos and blog posts. You can find them here.

We will also soon have a tool called NotifyUs to make it easy for organisations to notify our office of serious privacy breaches. There will be more on that soon.


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