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Source: Auckland Council

This year’s Waiheke Pestival will feature local people and organisations working hard to preserve Waiheke’s native flora and fauna.

Presentations will be available online through YouTube.


Karen Saunders from Native Bird Rescue | Presentation available: Sat 8 Aug, 6pm

Native Bird Rescue is a small and volunteer-driven bird rescue centre on Waiheke Island.

Karen will be discussing what her and her team do to save our native birds that are ill and injured, and get them back into the wild.

Sally Horwood from Rat Busters | Presentation available: Wed 12 Aug, 6pm

Rat Busters is a pest control project, taking place on many different reserves around Waiheke Island.

Sally will be discussing pest monitoring, project design, and implementation.

Richard Margesson from Free the Tree | Presentation available: Thu 13 Aug, 6pm

Free the Tree is a biosecurity and eco-restoration business, specialising in pest plant removal.

Richard will be discussing how to target these plants in the field using a military-based approach to ensure that all pest plants are identified and removed.

Natasha Beletzky from Whakanewha Reserve | Presentation available: Fri 14 Aug, 6pm

Natasha is Whakanewha’s conservation ranger. She will be talking about what she does as a conservation ranger in the reserve, as well as 2020’s dotterel fledging success.

Mary Frankham and Jo Ritchie | Presentation available: Tue 18 Aug, 6pm

Te Korowai o Waiheke – The complexities of conducting an island-wide eradication in a place where people live, work and play.

Jo Ritchie and Phil Salisbury | Presentation available: Wed 19 Aug, 6pm

Life of a Rotoroa ranger during a rat eradication.