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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Save the Children

News of the resurgence of Covid19 in our community has caused feelings of uncertainty and anxiety amongst many of us as our everyday lives and freedoms become limited due to necessary restrictions imposed to stop the spread of the virus.
Our thoughts go out to the people of Auckland who are most affected, and who in a very short space of time have had to return to more stringent lockdown conditions under Alert Level 3. We are further mindful of how children and young people in Auckland may be feeling as they return to online learning, and of very young children who are unable to attend their ECE learning centres.
We know from our experiences of the Covid19 crisis in New Zealand earlier this year that children were very concerned about the Covid19 virus and what was going to happen in the future. At times like this it is important that we take the time to talk with and listen to our children, do our best to reassure them, and help them to understand what is happening with the re-emergence of Covid19.
Save the Children has compiled resources and tips to help parents and adults to talk to children about Covid19. Some top tips include:
– Listen and respond to children’s concerns.
– Inform, model and remind children about good hygiene practices that will help to keep them safe.
– Be active; exercise and activity, especially doing this together with children, is known to help with improving moods and is a positive outlet for feelings of anxiety and stress.
– Try to eat well and keep a regular schedule.
– Do your best; take a deep breath, try to stay positive even though it may be tough, be kind to yourself and each other.
If things are becoming too much for adults or children, reach out to trusted helplines such as O800 What’s Up, Youthline, or Lifeline.
About Save the Children NZ:
Save the Children works in 120 countries across the world. The organisation responds to emergencies and works with children and their communities to ensure they survive, learn and are protected.
Save the Children NZ currently supports international programmes in Fiji, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Laos, Nepal, Indonesia, Thailand, and Mozambique. Areas of work include education and literacy, disaster risk reduction, and alleviating child poverty.