Parliament Oral Questions – Oral Questions – 4 August 2020000254

Parliament Oral Questions – Oral Questions – 4 August 2020000254

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Oral Questions and Answers

Hon JUDITH COLLINS to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by all her Government’s policies and commitments?

Dr DEBORAH RUSSELL to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he seen on the New Zealand economy in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic?

Hon GERRY BROWNLEE to the Minister of Housing: Is she confident in the systems at the border and in quarantine and managed isolation?

Hon PAUL GOLDSMITH to the Minister of Finance: How many of the 452,425 people receiving the wage subsidy extension does he expect will become unemployed when the wage subsidy expires, and what is the Government’s plan if the majority of those New Zealanders lose their jobs?

MARK PATTERSON to the Minister for Regional Economic Development: Is the Provincial Growth Fund on track to meet the target of creating 10,000 jobs?

PRIYANCA RADHAKRISHNAN to the Minister for Social Development: What recent announcements has she made about supporting communities in the COVID-19 recovery?

Dr SHANE RETI to the Minister of Health: How does he explain recent outbound air travellers who tested positive when they arrived in Australia, and how does this relate to community surveillance testing numbers over the past three months?

PAUL EAGLE to the Associate Minister of Housing: What recent announcements has he made about improving the quality of State housing?

Hon TODD McCLAY to the Minister of Tourism: Why was A J Hackett given a $5.1 million grant by the Government but outbound tourism operators such as travel agents were given no support in the recently announced $311 million COVID aid package?

Hon MICHAEL WOODHOUSE to the Minister for Regional Economic Development: Does he stand by his statement that the Provincial Growth Fund will “create sustainable jobs in the regions”, and how many new permanent roles have been created that did not exist prior to Provincial Growth Fund funding being allocated to those projects?

WILLOW-JEAN PRIME to the Associate Minister of Health: How is the Government supporting Māori health and wellbeing?

DAVID SEYMOUR to the Prime Minister: What are some of her Government’s policy achievements?

Answers to these questions are delivered from 2pm (New Zealand time) on the day of tabling. The answers can be accessed in text form, once Hansard is finalised, by clicking here.


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