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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: Federated Farmers

Federated Farmers congratulates the leadership shown by New Zealand carpet maker Cavalier Corporation in announcing last week it will to return to its roots as a wool and natural fibres-only business.
Cavalier said in February that profit margins selling synthetic carpets were getting thinner but sales of its wool carpets were steadily rising.
“Choosing to concentrate on New Zealand-produced natural wool, with its superior durability, warmth, sound-dampening and fire-retardant qualities is a smart decision for any company,” Federated Farmers Meat and Wool Chairperson William Beetham says.
“Earlier this month, the cross-sector Wool Industry Project Action Group concluded that we’re on the cusp of a natural fibre renaissance being led by more environmentally and socially conscious consumers. Cavalier’s transformation is perfectly timed to ride that trend.”
The “Benefits of Wool in Construction” information sheet released last year by NZ Government Procurement and the Ministry for Primary Industries notes that woollen carpets regulate humidity, are hypoallergenic and “perform better than synthetics in smell and staining tests.
“Woollen carpets regulate humidity by absorbing moisture when the air is moist and releasing it when the air is dry, creating a more comfortable built environment that is warmer in winter and cooler in summer,” the information sheet states.
“New Zealand’s farmers look forward to working with Cavalier on its strategy to inform consumers why wool carpets are the right choice for their families, their homes, their businesses and for the New Zealand economy,” William says.
“Customers will be demanding more sustainable carpet options. It makes sense for companies to move their woollen products from the back of the store to the front window.”