Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti
11 mins ago
Bill Kimberley will lead EIT as acting CEO.
Chris Collins will head the new NZIST for a three-month period
EIT’s CEO Chris Collins has been appointed as Interim CEO of the new national institute, the New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology which the Government has established on 1 April.
Mr Collins will undertake the NZIST Interim CEO role until the Stephen Town, currently CEO of Auckland Super City, is able to take up the NZIST CE role in July.
Chris Collins’ appointment is a reflection of the high regard with which EIT is held as one of New Zealand’s leading institute of technology.
On 1 April, EIT also becomes part of this new national institution as a result of the Government’s Reform of Vocational Education. During Mr Collins’ appointment as Interim CEO of NZIST, EIT’s Human Resources Director Mr Bill Kimberley will step into the role of Acting CEO at EIT and will be responsible for overseeing all operational matters.
“Mr Kimberley is a highly respected, experienced and senior member of the Executive Team at EIT,” says Mr Collins. “I look forward to continuing to work with him during my Interim CE role. I will stay in close contact with him and EIT during this period.”
“The Covid-19 pandemic makes this a very challenging time for everyone, but EIT staff are working incredibly hard, along with all of NZIST, to explore ways to enable students to continue engaging in their courses, as much as is practically possible, during this lockdown period.”