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Source: Taxpayers Union

The Taxpayers’ Union is joining calls for the Mayors of New Zealand’s two largest cities to temporarily stand down while the Serious Fraud Office investigates them resectfully for electoral fraud. Earlier today the SFO announced that it is to launch investigations into them both, following complaints referred to it last month by the Police. Taxpayers’ Union Spokesman Jordan Williams said, “In yesteryear it would have been a no-brainer for a respectable political leader to stand down while they are investigated for a serious matter like electoral fraud. We dismissed the earlier complaints – any nutter can lay a complaint – but now that the SFO has taken the further step and announced it is launching formal investigations, it is surely time for Mr Goff and Ms Dalziel to stand aside and let their respective Deputy Mayors stand-in for the duration of the investigations. “Stepping down is not only honourable and respectful to ratepayers, but respects the integrity of our local democracies.” “We sincerely hope that both of these senior politicians are cleared of wrong-doing and that nothing comes of the SFO investigations.  But until that is the case, they should both be stepping down, as would be expected by any public servant in such serious circumstances.”