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Source: Taxpayers Union

RNZ Concert supporters who are protesting for the station to be “better funded” have to be joking, says the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union. Taxpayers’ Union spokesman Louis Houlbrooke says, “It’s hard to take today’s protest seriously. The protest generation once strove for world peace. Now they’re campaigning to throw even more taxpayer funding at a niche music station, just because they can’t figure out how to work Spotify.” “Every dollar spent on RNZ Concert is a dollar that can’t be invested in PHARMAC, frontline policing, or tax relief for struggling New Zealanders.” “RNZ Concert is a nice-to-have, not a need-to-have. Its listeners should be bloody grateful funding for the station wasn’t cut entirely. The station already has 18 staff, so let’s not feed the beast any further.”