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Lockdown – NZ food wholesalers are pivoting to direct-to-consumer in the COVID crisis –...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: S.L.I.C.E. Digital Kiwis across NZ have heeded Government advice to stay indoors and only venture outside if necessary. Cafes, restaurants and bars who...

Fleeing driver arrested following Police vehicle thefts

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) A 19-year-old man has been arrested following an incident in eastern and central North Island overnight and is facing...

CTU: Treasury projections – scary but useful

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU The Council of Trade Unions has welcomed the Treasury’s release of their scenario projections on the economic effect...

More business supports confirmed: tax measures, support services and changes to commercial property rules

Source: New Zealand Treasury: The Government has today confirmed a suite of additional measures to provide relief for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include: Greater flexibility...

Emissions report shows progress, and the work ahead

Source: New Zealand Government New Zealand is making limited progress to reduce its emissions, but not nearly quickly enough, the Minister for Climate Change, James...

University Research – DNA offers clues to ancient Samoan settlement and unique ancestry

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: University of Auckland Samoa experienced an exponential jump in its population around 1000 years ago and the ancestry of contemporary Samoans is...

First Page Digital Hong Kong offers Insights on Using Digital Marketing to Combat COVID-19

Source: Media Outreach HONG KONG, CHINA – Media OutReach – 14 April 2020 – COVID-19 has changed the way companies around the world conduct their...

APICORP 2019 Financial Results Demonstrate Strong Growth Momentum with Net Income of USD 112...

Source: Media Outreach Balance sheet grew by 5.7% to USD 7.35 billionNet recurring income increased by 17% between2018 to 2019 from USD 96 million to USD 112 millionUpgrade by Moody’s in October 2019 to ‘Aa2’ with...

Business Sector – Treasury forecasts show need for medium to longer term small business...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Business Central Treasury forecasts released yesterday show that there is an ongoing need to support small businesses with policies that look to assist...

University Research – Settling of East Polynesia earlier, likely connected to prolonged drought

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: University of Auckland Human forays into the eastern Pacific happened earlier than previously thought, and climate change may have been a factor,...

Government backs business through COVID-19

Source: New Zealand Government The Government has announced a suite of new measures to provide relief for small and medium-sized businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finance...

Plastic is not our friend

Source: Greenpeace New Zealand Could anyone have imagined this?  We have to google “where to find gloves and masks?” before going grocery shopping. And there I...
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