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Digital experts to provide advice on technological change

Source: New Zealand Government Supporting New Zealand to make most of digital and data driven technologies will be the focus of a new Digital Council...

Three wins for the climate

Source: Greenpeace New Zealand Good news comes in threes, they say. Unless, of course, you happen to be Equinor, OMV or Teck Resources – three...

New diploma helps counter cyber security threats

Source: New Zealand Government Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media Minister, Kris Faafoi, and the Minister of Education, Chris Hipkins, have welcomed a new cyber security...

Former student visits Massey teachers after 50 years

Source: Massey University Food technology alumnus Peter Kuguru with his grandson Kendrick van Kesteren, Professors Emeriti Mary Earle and Dick Earle and Mr Kuguru’s wife...

Students create safety video, win $8000

Source: Massey University Massey health, safety and wellbeing director Paul Robertson (left) with winning students Laura Payling and William Stephens. Students Laura Payling and William Stephens...

Massey transforms courses to additional digital offerings under Digital Plus

Source: Massey University Professor Giselle Byrnes Massey University is stepping up the online offering of its Master of Business Administration (MBA) by making the Digital Transformation...

Lust and laughs galore in Summer Shakespeare

Source: Massey University Summer Shakespeare Twelfth Night actors (from left): Massey graduate Cam Dickons (playing Sebastian); Sasha Lipinksy (playing Viola/Cesario) and Lisa Swinbanks (playing Olivia)....

Trade – Pacific shouldering burden in Unbalanced PACER-Plus Trade Deal

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) The Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are taking on binding commitments in exchange for insufficient promises of benefits...

Parliament Petitioned to Take Australian Human Rights Abuses to UN

Source: Human Rights Commission The New Zealand Parliament will be petitioned to take a strong position on Australia’s severe immigration detention, deportation and citizenship impediments...

Events: The Future of Journalism and Media – E tū

Source: Etu Union Our events with Jacqueline Park are happening next week in Auckland and Wellington. Jacqui is a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Media...

The Indo-Pacific: from principles to partnerships

Source: New Zealand Government Speech to the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) Delhi, India Wednesday 26 February 2020 The Indo-Pacific: from principles to partnerships Distinguished guests, good afternoon and...

Community detention and bovine-ban for tail-breaking Waikato farmer

Source: Ministry for Primary Industries Date: 26 Feb 2020 Media contact: MPI media team A Waikato dairy farmer has been disqualified from owning or being in charge of all...
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