
East Bay of Plenty essential state highway works for coming week

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises contractors will be undertaking essential maintenance activities across the eastern Bay of Plenty next...

Auckland overnight motorway closures 5–11 April 2020

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for critical motorway improvements. Work delayed by bad weather will...

The essentials of life under Coronavirus Covid lockdown

Source: Greenpeace New Zealand Since 23.59 last Wednesday there’s been a lot of talk about what constitutes an essential service. Is a bakery an essential service?...

Cash system sound and functioning

Source: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Release date 03 April 2020 The Reserve Bank continues to confirm that ATM cash deposit and withdrawal facilities and the system...

Funding certainty for sports through COVID-19

Source: New Zealand Government National sports organisations have been given certainty of funding to ensure they can remain viable through the COVID-19 pandemic, Sport and...

Online te reo Māori programmes takes off

Source: Massey University Te Aorere, Te Ataakura and Apirana Pewhairangi at Massey University. What started as an idea to help keep whānau connected and tamariki engaged...

“We are not ready in Gaza to face coronavirus”: Jana’s* story

Source: Save The Children With just 70 ICU beds and 62 ventilators for 2 million people, Gaza is critically underequipped to respond to coronavirus. Save the...

Fixing Wellington’s infrastructure deficit should be top of Government’s to-do list

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Business Central The Government’s call for infrastructure projects that are ‘ready to go’ is welcome news for Wellington, given the stalled progress to...

Health – New Zealand’s general practitioners are a workforce in crisis

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Royal NZ College of General Practitioners A survey conducted by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners yesterday shows that GPs are...

Lockdown – FIRST Union condemns Fletcher attempt to underpay workers

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: First Union Fletcher Building’s attempt to underpay workers during the lockdown by proposing progressive reductions in income over the twelve weeks of the...

Rotorua resurfacing works to be completed tomorrow

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises that resurfacing works will continue on State Highway 5 at the Dansey Road and...

Safety drives essential maintenance on Waikato state highways

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency says road crews are monitoring the state highway network in the Waikato to ensure the...
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