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University of Otago grows Pacific science connections

Source: University of Otago Friday 28 February 2020 9:08amBuilding and connecting the University of Otago’s work in science with the Pacific, in order to contribute...

Future focus at environmental hui

Source: Environmental Protection Authority The national Te Herenga hui, which is held every two years, is being hosted at Takapūwāhia Marae on 11-12 March. More...

Fast-forwarding technology to address climate change – NZIER Insight 100

Source: New Zealand Institute of Economic Research 03 March 2022 New Zealand has a productivity problem, and now it is also a climate problem. For decades,...

University Research – DNA offers clues to ancient Samoan settlement and unique ancestry

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: University of Auckland Samoa experienced an exponential jump in its population around 1000 years ago and the ancestry of contemporary Samoans is...

Berlin to the Bard and more for lockdown minds

Source: Massey University A new online webinar series features fascinating research from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The series of weekly 30-minute webinars delivered...

New pests and diseases reporting tool strengthens our biosecurity system

Source: Ministry for Primary Industries  Biosecurity New Zealand has released a new web tool so people can report suspected exotic pests and diseases online. “Alerts from...

Nanopore sequencing supports probiotic development

Source: ESR Probiotics are specific strains of live bacteria or yeast proven to have a beneficial effect on health. They are commonly consumed in yoghurts...

Dunedin Study sheds light on New Zealand’s successful vaccination rates

Source: University of Otago Vaccine resistance often reflects a lifetime of mistrust, suggests new research using 50 years of data collected by the University of...

Animal Welfare – Disappointing “hung jury” from select committee on livestock exports

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Aotearoa In response to the Primary Production Select Committee report (14/4/2022) to the House regarding the Animal Welfare Amendment...
Alumnus donates expertise to NZ COVID Tracer

Alumnus donates expertise to NZ COVID Tracer

Source: University of Waikato When New Zealand went into Level 4 lockdown during the Covid-19 outbreak, Alan Chew, like many others, wanted to help. While community...

TIME Presents TIME 100 Talks to Discuss “Finding Hope”

Source: Media Outreach TIME has launched a series of virtual conversations to spotlight solutions for urgent global problems and encourage people during these troubling times.SINGAPORE...
Indigenous voices on sustainability take global platform

Indigenous voices on sustainability take global platform

Source: Massey University Māori philosopher Associate Professor Krushil Watene has been appointed to the UN Human Development Advisory Board. Māori philosopher Associate Professor Krushil Watene has...
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