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Save The Children

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Children are taking the climate fight to the courtroom: Let’s stand with them

Source: Save The Children Children from around the world are providing leadership in the climate movement and inspiring change. Children are exercising their legal right...

Statement on Kabul school bomb attack

Source: Save The Children Chris Nyamandi Country Director for Save the Children in Afghanistan: “We are outraged by the bomb attack which took place at a...

Save the Children fears trafficking and abuse amid social media pleas to adopt India’s...

Source: Save The Children Save the Children is deeply concerned about the growing number of children who have lost parents to COVID-19 in India. Desperate...

Concerns about escalating violence and threat to children in occupied West Bank

Source: Save The Children Save the Children is concerned about the escalating violence in East Jerusalem and the threat this poses to children, including a...

Children and youth must be kept safe during protest in Colombia

Source: Save The Children Save the Children is deeply alarmed by the recent violence against civilians – including the deaths of children and adolescents –...

Waiver by Biden is great step, sharing of vaccine-recipes should be next

Source: Save The Children Save the Children is thrilled with the announcement of the Biden administration to back the waiving of intellectual property rights to...

North West Syria: Schools and children still under attack despite year of ceasefire

Source: Save The Children Mustafa*, 10, Bilal*, 10, Raya*, 9, and Sara*, 10, in the section of their school which was damaged by an airstrike...

Why is it important to invest in midwives?

Source: Save The Children Pictured above: Mary Muisyo Syethii, a nurse in Save the Children’s COVID-19 isolation and treatment centre in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Mary...

INDIA: Grave concerns for young children and pregnant women amidst COVID-19 crisis

Source: Save The Children India could be facing thousands of additional deaths among children under five and an increase in maternal deaths, as hospitals and clinics are...

100 Days of Action

Source: Save The Children Save the Children International is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with company number 3732267 and a...

Six months on: Almost 5,000 children separated from parents by conflict in Tigray

Source: Save The Children Rahel*, 13, was separated from her mother during the conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia. Links to more content below Thousands of children are currently...


Source: Save The Children 1.  Background of the Project   Save the Children is implementing a Child Sensitive Social Protection Project (CSSP) in Lufwanyama that was initiated...
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