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Is Chile greener than NZ – or not?

Source: MakeLemonade.nz Santiago – Chile has set an ambitious goal of converting 70 percent of its total energy consumption to renewables by 2030 and has...

Allianz: Shipping losses hit a record low in 2022, but jump in fires, shadow...

Source: Media Outreach Safety & Shipping Review 2023: 38 large ships lost worldwide last year – down by more than a third and the lowest...

Energy News – Global Think Tank: Moving Away from Fossil Fuels Is Best Achieved...

Source: Diplomatic Council The blueprint can be found in the book by science journalist Jean Putz: “Prosperity and Economic Growth without Regrets, Climate Rescue Yes!...

Te-Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan launched

Source: Auckland Council Te-Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan is our region’s blueprint for halving our emissions by 2030, reaching net zero emissions by 2050 and preparing...

Sustainable Energy – Comparison tool helps freight industry on road to decarbonisation – Are...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Ara Ake Ara Ake has launched a free tool to help long-distance heavy freight companies and the public sector better understand the options...

APEC – World-leading social psychologist and ‘top global thinker’ confirmed as keynote speaker at...

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – APEC CEO Summit 2021 Can business become a force for good in the...

Energy Sector – Industry encourages biofuels mandate to extend to gas

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: Gas NZ Gas NZ and the Bioenergy Association applaud Government’s decision to implement a biofuels mandate and encourages Government to establish a...

Geotech investigations to get underway for pumped hydro at Lake Onslow

Source: New Zealand Government Drilling is about to get underway for one of the key options of the NZ Battery Project geotechnical feasibility investigations, in...

Renewable Energy – Bioenergy is the solution for keeping lights on

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: Bioenergy Association of New Zealand The lack of electricity supply security because of thermal generation plant unavailability reinforces the importance of the...

Hazardous substances newsletter – October 2022

Source: Worksafe New Zealand 11 October 2022 Our October hazardous substances update. Updates in this edition include:  new hazardous substances separation distances calculation tool updated guidance on preventing harm...

Impro (1286.HK) 2022 Annual Revenue Up 15.3% YoY to HK$4,354.7 million

Source: Media Outreach Adjusted Profit Attributable to Shareholders of the Company Surges 53.7% to HK$649.1 Million Full-Year Dividend of HK 16.0 cents Per Share, Up 58.4%...

Fast-tracked wind farms will cut emissions and create jobs

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is accelerating New Zealand’s switch to clean renewable energy by fast-track referral of three wind farm projects for approval...
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