
Media Giants Call on Biden to Drop Charges Against Assange – NewzEngine.com

Source: NewzEngine.comFive of the world’s leading news outlets have sent an open letter to US President Joe Biden asking him to drop the charges...

Fulum Interim Results Out of the Red  Recorded a net profit of approximately HK$8.7...

Source: Media Outreach Highlights: Ÿ A turnaround from net loss of approximately HK$2.3 million to net profit of approximately HK$8.7 million Gross profit increased by 2.4% to...

CryptoPARD – Hong Kong’s first crypto academy launches a series of new cryptocurrency training...

Source: Media Outreach TAIWAN – Media OutReach – 29 November 2022 – On 31 October, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) officially released...

Māori education momentum rolls on with new wharekura

Source: New Zealand Government A new Year 1-13 wharekura will extend Māori Medium Education into Porirua West from 2027, Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis announced...

Hong Kong Design Centre 20th Anniversary Celebration

Source: Media Outreach Design Spectrum Presents ‘always’ Exhibition with over 50 Sustainable Designs Envisioning A Community that Thinks Beyond Green HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach...

Huobi and Dominica to Issue National Token DMC, Initiating the New Era of Digital...

Source: Media Outreach SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 29 November 2022 – On November 29, Huobi announced on its partnership with the Commonwealth of Dominica,...

US court decision shows need for stronger protection of Māui dolphin

Source: Green Party A decision by a United States Court to ban seafood imports from New Zealand shows the Government needs to do more to...

Greenpeace – US court orders a ban on imports of NZ fish

Source: Greenpeace Conservation group Sea Shepherd had asked the US Court of International Trade to bring in a ban, arguing a lack of action by the...

Amazon survey: Increased online spend expected for grocery and personal care items this holiday...

Source: Media Outreach Top categories that Singaporean online shoppers plan to spend more on include groceries, health and personal care, apparel and accessories Almost three in...

Fiftieth Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations With China

Source: New Zealand Government Chinese Embassy Reception Te Papa, Wellington Tēnā koutou katoa, Da jia hao Let me first acknowledge Ambassador Wang Xiaolong, thank you for the invitation...

EIT has paved the way for Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti students to achieve career...

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti 9 mins ago Stephen Hensman Opinion By Stephen Hensman Amid one of biggest reforms in a generation in vocational education, which has...

British Council unveils global Alumni UK network at its Going Global Asia Pacific conference

Source: Media Outreach Aims to be the largest global network connecting alumni who have studied at a UK university SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 29 November...
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