
Parliament Hansard Report – Wednesday, 7 December 2022 – Volume 765 – 001055

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard PETITIONS, PAPERS, SELECT COMMITTEE REPORTS, AND INTRODUCTION OF BILLS SPEAKER: No petitions have been delivered to the Clerk for presentation....

NorthTec to continue distance learning under Alert Level 3

Source: NorthTec NorthTec students will continue to study remotely when the country moves into Pandemic Alert Level 3 next week. Tutors will continue to deliver lessons...

NZCTU welcomes memorial public holiday

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions is supportive of Parliament’s decision to hold a public holiday on...

Speech at Tātou Kaha National Forum

Source: New Zealand Government Kia ora koutou katoa, Thank you for inviting me to address you today. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there with you in...

Privacy in the news (12 – 18 February 2021)

Source: New Zealand Privacy Commissioner – Blog Welcome to our latest round-up of privacy stories in the news. More than 1000 Trade Me accounts swapped Trade Me...

Tax Outturn Data – February 2022

Source: New Zealand Treasury: Tables of monthly tax revenue and receipts from collecting departments Tax data are sometimes difficult to interpret as economic indicators, but tax...

Transport News – Record number of complaints about potholes on NZ roads prompts call...

Source: Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand Kiwi road users have endured record levels of potholes and road quality issues. The Government must act with urgency,...

Commerce – Uncertainty remains as business community transitions into Level 3

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Business Central A recent COVID-19 business survey, conducted by the Wellington Chamber of Commerce and Business Central, shows that while 92 percent of...

Greenpeace – Bottom trawling ban needed to save plummeting fish populations

Source: Greenpeace New information showing plummeting numbers of orange roughy on seamounts and other features demonstrates why bottom trawling must be banned from these biodiverse areas,...

Government confirms new Dunedin Hospital design

Source: New Zealand Government The Government has agreed on a preferred design for the new Dunedin Hospital featuring two separate buildings, and has provided funding...

Alternative aid delivery in Gaza: children do not have time to wait – Save...

Source: Save The Children Photo by Bisan/Save the Children RAMALLAH, 8 MARCH 2024 – Children in Gaza dying from starvation and disease cannot wait for the...

Urgent Solution to Kiwi Housing Crisis

Source: Press Release Service – New Zealand(PR.co.nz)  New Zealand has the highest rate of homelessness in the developed world — and this could be the...
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