
More Kiwis in work as rising wages outpace inflation

Source: New Zealand Government New Zealanders are in paid work in record numbers and wages are outpacing inflation as the Government’s economic plan continues to...

Goldsmith’s commitment on charitable tax exemption welcomed

Source: Taxpayers Union 4 OCTOBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Responding to Paul Goldsmith’s promise that the National Party would “definitely look at” taxing charity-owned businesses, New Zealand...

Animal Welfare – Delays to winter grazing regulations put calves and their mothers at...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: SAFE NZ The Government is delaying the introduction of new winter grazing regulations after bowing to pressure from agriculture lobbyists. The regulations were...
Massey farewells MARA International students

Massey farewells MARA International students

Source: Massey University Graduating international students at a special farewell event at the Manawatū campus A farewell afternoon tea to celebrate the achievements of Massey’s Higher...

Armed groups in North Kivu attack more than 150 schools since the start of...

Source: Save The Children KINSHASA, 9th May 2023:  More than 150 schools in North Kivu province in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo...

Bridge the fastest way to reconnect Coromandel

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is committed to reconnecting Coromandel peninsula as fast as possible, Transport Minister Michael Wood announced today. “Coromandel communities and businesses...

Animal Welfare and Fireworks – SAFE supports Wellington City Councillor’s push for fireworks ban...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: SAFE NZ Wellington City Councillor Fleur Fitzsimons is campaigning to ban the use of fireworks within a two-kilometre radius around Wellington Zoo. SAFE campaigns...

Navigating a sustainable future for our oceans and fisheries

Source: New Zealand Government Speech to fisheries, research and environmental stakeholders, Auckland University 8 June 2022, by Ocean and Fisheries Minister David Parker. Thank you Professor...

Rewarding capability in te reo Māori

Source: Department of Conservation Date:  25 July 2023 The incentive was negotiated with the Public Service Association trade union during recent collective bargaining to help DOC fulfil...

Save the Children: Living on 27 US cents a day: Six years after fleeing...

Source: Save the Children Six years after 750,000 Rohingya people fled violence in Myanmar to seek safety in Bangladesh, the health and wellbeing of more than...

Budget 2020: Rebuilding together

Source: New Zealand Government Budget 2020 is the next step in our Government’s fight against, and recovery from, COVID-19. It is focused on growing our...

Update on COVID-19 cases — 11 November 2021

Source: Covid-19 New Zealand Government Announcements Northland update  There are 7 new cases in Northland being reported today. They are all linked to existing cases. Of the...
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