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Majority of Kiwis get the message and stay home this Easter

Source: New Zealand Police (National News) From reassurance checks and checkpoints, through to enforcement action and patrolling, Police have been highly visible right across the...

Police Minister Bryan Kramer blasts two journalists in virus reporting row

Source: Dr David Robie – Café Pacific – Analysis-Reportage: PNG’s Treasurer Ian Ling-Stuckey (left) … in the middle of a furore between two senior journalists,Gorethy...

Police issue warning following email extortion scam

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Waitemata Police are warning the public after receiving a number of recent reports of an email extortion scam. The scammers...

Police investigating Mt Albert Rd crash

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Police are investigating a crash which took place shortly before midday on Mt Albert Road, near Dominion Road, in...

Police appeal for witnesses – Church St, Palmerston North

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Police investigating a suspicious fire at a property on Church St in Palmerston North are appealing for witnesses. The fire...

How are your neigbours doing?

Source: New Zealand Police (National News) Statement to be attributed to Detective Superintendent Tim Anderson, Op Covid19: Major Operations Commander:  Police are reminding communities that both...

Police and Aviation Security officers patrol the lockdown

Source: New Zealand Government Officers from Police and the Aviation Security Service are teaming up to ensure compliance with the COVID-19 lockdown and provide community...

Fleeing driver incident, Counties Manukau

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Please attribute to Inspector Daniel Meade, Counties Manukau Police: Three people including a Police officer have been seriously injured following...

Police remain highly visible on the roads this Easter

Source: New Zealand Police (National News) Police conducted 190 checkpoints across the country yesterday, and continue to remain out on our roads today, to ensure...

Plea for boaties to stay away from Aotea-Great Barrier Island 

Source: Auckland Council As the long weekend begins, more boaties are visiting Aotea-Great Barrier Island, against level 4 lockdown rules.  While New Zealand Police and other agencies have...

Your safety still comes first – Police message to people facing family harm

Source: New Zealand Police (National News) At a time when we’re calling on all New Zealanders to be kind, Police is starting to see an...

High number of Southern motorists stopped with vast majority complying

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Southern District were pleased with the response and compliance of motorists at checkpoints across the district today. There have been...
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