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SheEO reception at Government House Auckland 2020

Source: New Zealand Governor General Kei aku māreikura, tēnā koutou, Aku mihi nui ki a koutou, i tēnei ra. Nau mai haere mai ki Te Whare Kawana. Kia...

Associate Professor Amokura Kawharu Appointed Law Commission President

Source: New Zealand Government Auckland University legal academic Amokura Kawharu has been appointed as the next President of the Law Commission, Justice Minister Andrew Little...

Minister of Employment launches Youth Ready Employer Programme

Source: New Zealand Government A programme for employers to help them engage effectively with younger employees was launched today by Minister of Employment, Willie Jackson. The...

Novel coronavirus, China (Covid-19)

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel Novel coronavirus, China (Covid-19) We have reviewed our travel advice for China, and now...

Budget 2020 date announced

Source: New Zealand Government Budget 2020 will be delivered on Thursday 14 May, Finance Minister Grant Robertson announced today. “This year’s Budget will continue the Coalition...

Prime Minister’s tribute to former Prime Minister Mike Moore

Source: New Zealand Government I move, That this House place on record its appreciation and thanks for the devoted and distinguished service to New Zealand...

Agriculture Minister declares adverse event in Northland

Source: New Zealand Government Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor has today classified the drought conditions in Northland as an adverse event for the primary sector, unlocking...

Brazil: Carnival 2020

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel Brazil: Carnival 2020 Brazil’s annual Carnival festivals take place in February, with the Rio...

Crown accounts in good shape to counter global challenges

Source: New Zealand Government The Government’s books are in a strong position to withstand global headwinds, with the accounts in surplus and expenses close to...

Police disrupt methamphetamine trade

Source: New Zealand Government The Minister of Police says an operation to smash a trans national drug smuggling ring today will make a significant impact...

Mike Moore “one of the great New Zealanders”

Source: New Zealand Government Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Winston Peters has lauded former Prime Minister Mike Moore as “one of the great New...

Reserve Bank launches streamlined whistleblowing policy

Source: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Release date 10 February 2020 The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) has streamlined its external whistleblowing policy for those employed...
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